A move presents a perfect opportunity to simplify, and a chance to free yourself from all the “stuff” you really don’t need or use.The 80/20 Principle would say that most people only use 20% of what they have, and the other 80% is just taking up space.
Keepsakes are things from our past that hold our dear memories intact: old letters and cards, children’s artwork and baby books, report cards, and achievement plaques.
– Look through your old letters and cards, and let go of all but the most important.
– Keep a clear plastic “memory box” for the very special items you want to keep.
– Consider giving some keepsakes to your children.
People love to stock up on bargains: a lifetime supply of toilet paper and paper towels, laundry soap, coffee and canned soup.
– Even though you saved on these bargains, you might not have room to store them.
– Stop stocking up now, and share with neighbors and family.